Are you standing on the Rock of Salvation?
Shepard Ambellas And Alex Thomas
Some of this information has been readily available but in light of the Gulf Coast situation, this information is more important than ever.
In the event of disaster or evacuation, the government might feel the need to track people in order to make sure that they are “safe.” At least that’s what Radiant RFID has in mind with its newest technology. Radiant RFID has even ran beta tests on real-time disasters such as hurricanes Gustav and Ike. This system uses combined RFID and GPS technology to track and trace equipment and personnel.
Here is an excerpt from the RFID Journal, “The buses are equipped with GPS receivers used to track the whereabouts of the vehicles, and the evacuees inside them, until they arrive at the central evacuation hub, or reception point. Here, RFID portals are stationed to read the tags as the evacuees exit the bus, so that the master database shows who has disembarked at that site. Based on their individual condition and needs, evacuees are then assigned a final location, which might be in a shelter at this reception point, or at another location. Those bound for a different location are again tracked on a second bus, and at their final destination.”
“RFID tags are central to the system; they are placed on evacuees, their pets and essential medical assets and tied to a database to report on every milestone in the evacuation, including transport along the evacuation route. The tracking allows the state to manage the evacuation, respond to inquiries from the public and reunite families in the wake of a disaster.” one Hurricane Evacuation Case Study reads.
RFID Bracelets
Process control sounds more like a meat packing plant or cattle operation. One can only expect to see Radiant RFID show up soon in the ever so tragic Gulf Coast oil situation. Like a scene out of “The Running Man” technology will rule the coming police state. Although a system like this could expedite evacuations; the potential for misuse is great.
The way they sell the Orwellian agenda to the public is always in the name of personal safety and the safety of their pets. In the above broadcast it shows how the elite play on peoples emotions by using pets as an example to give you an RFID/ GPS tag.
The next level in RFID technology allows the government to exterminate or kill you at will. The new generation RFID/GPS technology allows the installer to activate a deadly dose of Cyanide into the tagged individual. This is a reality and one must question what governments will implement such devises to use on the masses?
Isaiah 55:6Make search for the Lord while he is there, make prayer to him while he is near:Isaiah 55:7Let the sinner give up his way, and the evil-doer his purpose: and let him come back to the Lord, and he will have mercy on him, and to our God, for there is full forgiveness with him.
John 3:16For God had such love for the world that he gave his only Son so that whoever has faith in him may not come to destruction but have eternal life
God bless you!
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